Ridgewood Estates / Hilliard, Ohio / Parking Violations

"No Parking Signs" Installed - December 2, 1991

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Norwich Township Trustees in 1991:

  • Mr. Webster D. Junk - Chairman

  • Mr. Durland L. Workman - Vice Chairman

  • Mr. James H. Rice

Norwich Township Meeting Minutes for 1991:

URL: https://www.norwichtownship.org/government/meetings___minutes/index.php

URL: https://cms5.revize.com/revize/norwichtwpoh/meeting%20minutes/Minutes%201991.pdf


Norwich Township Meeting Minutes for July 29, 1991

This is where the conversation was started to installing the "No Parking" signs:

  • Cross Walk Signs at Darbyshire

  • Watch For Children Signs

  • 20 MPH Signs


Norwich Township Meeting Minutes for September 23, 1991

This is where the "No Parking Signs" were discussed:

  • Mr. Rice had conversations with Ridgewood Residents concerning School Crossing at Darbyshire and Cameron.

  • Residents felt "No Parking Signs" would help congestion on those roads.

  • "No Parking Signs" with limits to be ordered and installed BUT only after Mr. Rice attends PTO Meeting on October 7th.


Norwich Township Meeting Minutes for October 21, 1991

This is where the "No Parking Signs" were discussed and ordered:

  • Mr. Rice attended Ridgewood Elementary PTO Meeting on October 7th.

  • Attendees wanted "No Parking Signs" with limits installed on both Darbyshire and Cameron.

  • "No Parking Signs" where ordered from the County.


Norwich Township Meeting Minutes for December 2, 1991

This is where the "No Parking Signs" got installed:

  • "No Parking Signs" were picked up from the County and installed.